Saturday, December 11, 2010

Detox Day

So it's 7:52 PM and I'm wrapping up the best day I've had in India yet...

I woke up at 9:30 to an empty house and whole unplanned day to myself. I spent the first half of the day at home picking up loose odds & ends and then I treated myself to an afternoon back at the spa... ahhhhh... I got the most amazing facial I've ever had in my life and then a half hour of reflexology. This morning I also spent time watching some dance videos from this summer - wow, I miss it so so so much. So much! Ugghhh... Then after the spa I went for a leisurely grocery store run and came home to make some fresh veggies for dinner - yum!

It was after the facial that I realized this is the most in my skin I've felt in a long time (no pun intended). Being able to spend isolated time in the quiet has made me aware of how intoxicating my environment can be here and what a challenge it's been for me to live a healthy, conscious, and mindful lifestyle. I am always surrounded by people, there is a tremendous amount of noise pollution everywhere, there is really gross amounts of air pollution throughout the whole city, and truth be told I've been spending more time lately intoxicating my body with alcohol and 2nd hand smoke than I'd like.

Though not with much frequency but certainly on occasion I can say I've surrounded myself with some people here who can be physically and emotionally toxic for me, I've been paying little attention to what my body tells me it needs in terms of exercise and hunger, and I've even been feeling apathetic about a few things (which I often find can be a dangerous place). Sometimes I think that living in such a weird circumstance and environment as this brings out some parts of me that don't typically get called upon - my party girl side, my spontaneous side, my silly and sometimes childlike side, and my side that cares about fitting in and others' opinions. The stimulus overload here is hard to escape so it's been really amazing to see what a quiet, restful, and peaceful day can raise for me. I just have so much appreciation for having had this day to myself and for the perception to recognize some things about my lifestyle here that I think can benefit from a little more attention.

I don't want to be misunderstood so I'll be clear and say that I'm having a phenomenal time on this trip, learning a lot, having tons of fun, finding out more about myself, and so on, so I hope my sharing this doesn't raise any concern (especially you parentals...). I'm really doing great, especially now that I've had this day of peace and so much space, these are just some new awarenesses I've come to.  For the week between Christmas and New Years I'll actually be going to an ashram in Mysore for a week of classical ashtanga yoga intensives and now after having had this day to myself I couldn't possibly be any more excited about that trip! If I can come to these kinds of awarenesses and engage in this much self-care after just one day of space I can only imagine how fabulous I'll feel after a week of it :)

Perhaps my favorite new realization is that I think my favorite company happens to be myself. I guess that's pretty cool since I'm always with me everywhere I go...  ;)  Anywho, I'm off to pack and take a quick nap before my drive through the night to Hampi where I get to vaca for a few days!  Wahoo!!!  Updates to come following the trip...

Love love love,
A happy and detoxed Abby

P.S. Here's a video I was watching this morning of my final Nashville performance from back in August... I miss dance sooooooooooooo much!!!!

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